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- Article 588 (8 more) in alt.out-of-body:
- From: SRK106@psuvm.psu.edu (Senthil Ramas Kumar)
- Subject: FAQ-First Draft
- Date: 29 Dec 92 22:16:43 GMT
- Organization: Penn State University
- Lines: 322
- Well folkx, I have done a little work on the FAQ. I have pinched lots of
- titbits from so many people, that I really dont know, from whom,
- the material is.
- Anyway, I would like you all people, to go through it, and give me
- suggestions, as to what could be altered, deleted, added etc, in the FAQ. I
- am just a novice oobe'er, therefore some of the stuff in the FAQ, is kinda
- subjective to the way, I feel, think, about the phenomena.
- In case, you people, dont know, there is a mailing list maintained by Gary,
- for the sole purpose of developing the FAQ.
- Kumar
- There are many ways to induce an out-of-body-experience...in the end it's
- up to you to experiment and figure out which one(s) work(s) best for you. It
- should be strongly be emphasised that, telling someone how to oobe is like
- teaching someone how to fly an airplane, when you dont even know what an
- airplane is.
- 1-1-1: Pre-Requisites For Relaxation:
- All of the methods will involve first and foremost, relaxation.
- It's a good idea to go to the bathroom first so you won't be interrupted
- biologically (most people know from experience that sleeping is difficult
- with a full bladder...well, oobing too). Try not to have any
- distractions around and make sure you won't be disturbed. It is a good idea
- to find a *very* quiet place, so that the noises, themselves do not distract
- you. Some people may use ear-plugs, in order to cut out any extranaeous
- noise.
- Sudden noises, etc. can cause a "repercussion" (a quick return to the
- physical,
- usually accompanied with a start...the same feeling that you get when
- you wake up from a falling dream). Repercussions are generally unpleasant,
- and someone suggested they may in some cases cause physical damage.It's a
- good idea to avoid them.
- Loosen any tight clothing, or if you would be more comfortable, wear no
- clothing. you should be comfortable temperature-wise...so in the winter it
- might be a good idea to be under a blanket...whatever is most comfortable
- for you.
- Ideally there should be no time pressure (i.e. have to be back by 4:30
- for class...) and no worry about anything else (i.e. my roommate is gonna
- come
- back and look at me funny, or whatever)...put physical matter concerns out
- of your mind. If there are worries about being interrupted or the like, it
- might be better to wait until a better time to try.
- 1-1-2: Ways to Relax Oneself
- There are plenty of ways to relax oneself. Everyone one has his/her
- technique. Listed below are a few methods. *Experiment* with them, and find
- out what is suitable for you. The usual outcome of being relaxed is that one
- is quite unaware of the outside world.
- 1-1-2-1: Borderland Sleep State
- This is perhaps the easiest and most natural method and usually
- ensures relaxation of both body and mind simultaneously. Lie in whatever
- position is most comfortable for you, preferably when you are tired and
- sleepy. As you become relaxed and start to drift of to sleep, hold your
- mental attention on something, anything, with your eyes closed.
- The trick is
- to hold the delicate edge between being consious and the sleep state.
- 1-1-2-2: Auto-Hypnosis
- The most efficent and speediest way is to learn self-hypnosis through
- the training of an experienced hypnotist. S/he can set up post-hypnotic
- suggestions that will bring immediate results. However, select a tutor with
- care. Responssible practitioners are rare, and neophytes numerous.
- 1-1-2-3: Meditation
- Also a very good way to relax oneself. Find yourself a comfortable
- place. The usual technique is to hold your attention onto something in
- particular. The idea is to focus your consiousness onto only thing, and
- withdraw your attention from the outside world.
- 1-1-2-4: Forced Relaxation
- Again, lie down some place that is comfortable. Then think of all
- the parts of your body from head to toe or vice versa, and relax them until
- they can't relax any more than they are...relax your head, your temples,
- your eyes, your jaw, all the muscles that you probably never even used
- to think about.. relax them all.
- 1-2: Typical physical manifestations:
- The usual reaction of the consious mind is to fight these feelings.
- It is more productive if one *gives in*, rather than try to fight back to
- gain "control". A trap, most people fall into, is that they expect some
- dramatic effects, in too short a time.
- 1-2-1: Feelings of vibrations
- This is something, you will attain, sometime or the other. It might
- feel as if electricity is flowing thru your body. The first times it happens
- it is scary to most people. further, it seems to be an unreasonble consious
- fear, something akin to seeing a slithering snake, you just want to kill it,
- doesnt matter if it is doing you no harm.
- There is the chance that the first few times, when one is indeed
- fully relaxed, the consious mind automatically shuts out the vibrations, due
- to the unexpected nature of the phenomena, whatever.
- One trick, some people use is to let the vibrations start,
- when not consious. Tell yourself before hand that your consiousness will
- waken up when the vibrations occur. This way, you will find yourself in the
- middle of the phenomena.
- 1-2-2: Paralysis:
- This is also a very common thing to happen. It feels as if your body
- has suddenly become very heavy, and made of lead. and one is really unable
- to move a limb, even with utmost summoning of will power.
- It seems that, when we go to sleep, the brain de-activates the
- mechanism by which we are able to use or limbs, so that we dont go about
- doing the things *physically* when we dream. Quite a few people have
- found themselves in this paralysis state, as soon, as they have gotten up
- after a sleep.
- The first type, known as type A paralysis, is a condition encountered
- when approaching a deeper layer of consciousness from a light trance state,
- in the performance of magick, OOBE, LD etc.
- The second, type B paralysis, is the reverse of type A, in that it
- happens during the return home to physical reality, assuming, of course,
- the experient has a physical body to return to in the first place.
- The first type A "paralysis" goes something like this:
- "Mmmmmm.... I know I am awake; I can think .....Mmmmmmm
- but my body is,asleep.(Robert Monroe labelled
- it Focus 10 consciousness)
- "Wait a minute here, there is something going on here,
- I just can't seem to..
- "Yes, I can't seem to move my limbs; they seemed to be laden
- with lead, why can't I move at all? Hey, what's happening here!
- (Panic!)"
- A typical type B "paralysis" goes something like this:
- "Mmmmm... I am feeling groggy, absolutely. What was that just now,
- oh, it must be some dream..
- "Mmmm.... hang on a minute, was that a noise I heard? It must have
- come from the door... I need to check it out, could be a burglar..
- but I am so tired... and sleepy...
- "I need to wake up, it could be important... Hey, I can't seem to
- wake up, why are my legs not waking up, why can't my hands respond?
- "PANIC! I need to wake up! I don't want to die... I need to exert
- more will on this... Hey, body, wake up, eyes open, ... WAKE UP!
- "Gosh, NOW, I can move my limbs, I am awake now, body covered with
- perspiration, sitting at the edge of the bed, wondering why just now I
- simply couldn't wake up..
- "Phew--Thank goodness, it is finally over. Am I glad to be back to
- the familiar physical environment."
- However, type A paralysis is the type that should not be resisted;
- (I wished somebody told me this earlier) if the experient can allow himself
- to "go with the flow", then some kind of altered state of consciousness is
- bound to happen, which is what the experient is hoping to achieve anyway.
- BTW, type A paralysis is the one mentioned by Robert Monroe, Sylvia Muldoon
- et al.
- 1-3: I think I am Relaxed. Now What ?
- Very good clues, indicative of the oncoming oobe state, are the
- physical manifestations described above. But, it should, quickly be
- mentioned
- that, they are not a neccessity to obtain an oobe.
- 1-3-1: Diassociation From The Phyisical Body:
- After you feel that you are ready for some action, the first thing to
- do, is to obviously disassociate from your physical body.
- 1-3-1-1: Lift-Out Technique:
- The simplest method to seperate from the physical seems to be the
- "lift-out" procedure. *Think* of getting lighter, of floating upward.
- Be sure
- to think how *nice* it would be, as the *subjective* associated thought
- is most important.
- 1-3-1-2: Rotation Technique:
- A second method is the "rotation" technique. Try to slowly turn over,
- just as if you were attempting to turn over in bed, to make yourself more
- comfortable. Make no attempt to help yourself rotate with either arms or
- legs. Start turning by twisting the top of your body, your head and
- shoudlers
- first. By all means, move slowly, exerting gentle but firm pressure.
- 1-3-1-3: Visualization Technique:
- The intent, here is to try to visualize a particular place you would
- like to be. The more familiar the place is to you, more easy it is, to
- visualize the scenario in your "minds eye", so as to speak. It is therefore,
- a good idea, in the initial stages, to try to visualize places or people,
- with whom you are very familiar with. For example, you might think of a far
- off friend/lover, and think how you would love it, if you were in that
- persons vicinity etc.
- 3: Books On OOBE: (From: Tarzan)
- Astral Journeys (The) Greenhouse, Herbert B.
- Auras Cayce, Edgar C.
- Being Alive Is Being Psychic Stevens, Sandra J.
- Case Book of Astral Projection:
- 545 - 746 Crookall, Robert Dr.
- Chakras (The) Leadbeater, C.W.
- Explore Your Psychic World Worrall, Ambrose A. and
- Olga N. with Will Oursler
- Far Journeys Monroe, Robert A.
- Genuine Mediumship or the
- Invisible Powers Swami Bhakta Vishita
- Have an Out of Body Experience
- in 30 Days: The Free Flight Program Harary, Keith Ph.D. and
- Weintraub, Pamela
- Inner Worlds of Meditation John-Roger
- Journeys Out of the Body Monroe, Robert A.
- Leaving The Body; A Complete
- Guide to Astral Projection Rogo, Scott D.
- Llewellyn Practical Guide to
- Astral Projection (The) Denning, Melita and Phillips, Osborn
- Mysteries of the Unknown:
- Psychic Voyages Editors of Time Life Books
- Out of Body Adventures: 30 Days
- to the Most Exciting Experience
- of Your Life Stack, Rick
- Out of the Body Experiences Crookall, Robert Dr.
- Pojection of the Astral Double (The) Muldoon, Sylvan and
- Carrington, Heward
- RA Material (The):
- An Ancient Astronaut Speaks Elkins, Don; Carla, Rueckert;
- and McCarthy, James Allen
- Secrets of Shamanism:
- Tapping the Spirit Power Within You Stephens, Jose Ph.D. and
- Stevens, Lena S.
- Seership Swami Bhakta Vishita
- Study and Practice of
- Astral Projection Crookall, Robert Dr.
- Surfers of the Zuvuya Arguelles, Jose
- Biofeedback: Turning On the Karlins, Marvin and Andrews
- Power of Your Mind Lewis M.
- Lucid Dreams In 30 Days;
- The Creative Sleep Program Harary, Keith Ph.D. and
- Weintraub, Pamela
- Handbook of Hypnotic Techniques Fross, Garland H. D.D.S.
- Past President,
- American Institute of Hypnosis
- Self Hypnosis:
- A Contitioned Response Technique Sparks, Laurance
- Finding Your Soul Mate Michael, Russ
- Past Life Therepy In Action Sutphen, Dick and Taylor,
- Lauren Leigh
- Past Lives Future Loves Sutphen, Dick
- Reincarnation:
- Five Keys To Past Lives Brennen, J.H.
- Tao of Pooh (The) Hoff, Benjamin
- Building Blocks of the Universe Asimov, Isaac
- Stars and Planets Moore, Patrick
- Vitamin Bible for Your Kids Mindell, Earl
- Herbs: The Magic Healers Twitchell, Paul
- Art of Vegetarian Cookery (The) Wason, Betty
- The Holographic Universe Talbot, Michael
- (c) 1991 Harper Collins Publisher
- ============================================================================
- Hypnagogia: The Unique State of Andreas Mavromatis
- Consciousness Between Wakefulness Routledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd.(1987).
- and Sleep ISBN 0-415-05794-9.
- It discusses both hypnagogic (pre-sleep) and hypnopompic (post-sleep)
- imagery, and their possible relationship with other state of consciousness
- and creativity, as well as their possible function. The book contains
- numerous illustrations and is quite worthwhile, in my estimation.
- ============================================================================